
veronica winters colored pencil
Omnipresent mind, colored pencil on paper, 19×25 inches, closeup

Every nation wants to be independent and fights for its freedom to be just that. Independent. Every nation and its people affirms its difference from others. Yet when thoughts on racism, oppression or minorities arise, every nation and person want to be treated equally. What’s the relationship between nationality and equality then?

The thing is that all nationalities and people are the One and the same. Because we all have the same emotions, struggles, and joys. We experience love and hate not based on our race or nationality or belonging to a particular group of people. We have dreams, wants and reactions regardless our nationality. We act and behave as people based on our personal beliefs, emotions and upbringing for the most part.

blooming heart colored pencil drawing by veronica winters-15.5x25
blooming heart colored pencil drawing by veronica winters-15.5×25

People fight for independence in wars because the “superior” nation decides that the “minority” would do better with them. A conflict based on superiority or values consumes people with anger. Everyone is busy thinking that they’re patriots fighting for their national honor. Those who disagree are labeled as traitors.

However this sense of belonging, love and independence is always present deep inside every person of every race and nationality. Please know that you can always access your sense of peace inside you. That you matter and your soul is rich with love, wisdom and experience. We all belong to the Universe where national or racial distinction doesn’t exist.

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