Some day I will disappear. Family, relatives, friends and people I passed by once will also be gone in a few decades. Strangers will occupy our homes, jobs and aspirations. My memories will end along with my art. We all come and go like tiny specks of the universe. So what’s the reason for people to want more power, influence, and reaches?
We all should live in fair comfort of course, but we run for greater success and importance. Many of us are workaholics feeling uncomfortable in stillness. Some hate their jobs but feel determined to continue living in the grind. Others drift without a direction, hope or love. Everyone complains about the lack of time to do something good. Yet we all have the same 24 hours in day.
If we all considered the nature of life in the universe, we would rebalance our priorities and outcomes. We would pay more attention to our inner life and our relationships with others. We would value even silly moments spent with friends and family . We would feel love more often. We would find joy in warm hugs and grey clouds. We would pay more attention to a beautiful light swirling in our morning coffee. We would see magic in a brisk walk in the woods. We could keep more joy in our hearts, yet we open spaces for envy and hate.
Artists try to rebalance the universe. Fill it with light and beauty while the psychopathic people govern with lust for more control, power and wealth. Most people can grow beautiful flowers of joy inside their hearts, awakening to their full consciousness, sociopathic personalities can’t.
The easiest thing to do is to sit on the bleachers and complain. If you don’t like something in your life, change it (It wasn’t me who said the last two sentences. Rather the president of the Oklahoma State University at my graduation in 2003). Accept help from people around you or offer it to others if you see it’s needed. We have a chance to create harmony and peace collectively. We still have the time.