Recent group shows

Recent solo show
Fine artist, author, instructor, Veronica Winters is the “Artist of the month” exhibiting her paintings at the Collier County Government Center in May-June 2022. Where: the board of county commissioners chambers, third floor, 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Naples, FL.

Featured on Podcasts:
Ann Kullberg CONNECT webcast
John Dalton gently does it art podcast, episode 216, starts at 27:30 mins. https://podcasts.apple.com/lb/podcast/ep-216-holiday-catch-up/id730106108?i=1000544665725
Sharpened artist podcast: https://sharpenedartist.com/podcast/337
Selected prizes & international publications

Recent Articles:

Article in USA Art News: https://usaartnews.com/news/intentional-color-harmonies-reveal-the-mystical-realm-in-veronica-winters-paintings
Article in Realism Today: https://realismtoday.com/how-art-helped-me-break-through-loneliness-and-fear/
Article in The World Art News: https://worldart.news/2023/03/07/exclusive-interview-with-veronica-winters-part-1-symbolic-precision/


Art featured in books

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