
Times Square, March 17, 2025, New York

Recent group shows

The Zodiac: Mysterious Power of the Creative Show will be held on April 12, 2025, at the Medici Museum of Art in Warren, Ohio. The show is curated by Katelyn Amendolara-Russo, the Museum’s Director.

Beyond Borders group exhibition in Venice, Italy, 2024. Art is presented by the Contea Del Caravaggio Museum & Studio.

connection-oil on canvas-24x36 inches-veronica winters
Connection, closeup, oil on canvas, Veronica Winters | The International Biennial Portrait Competition 2023 at the Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art. WMOCA, 309 McClellan Street, Wausau, WI 54403

summit hotel cpsa show 2023
Colored pencil drawing “Child of Love” got selected by a juror and curator Jerry N Smith, for the 31st CPSA International Exhibition from July 2 to 30, 2023 at The Summit Hotel in Cincinnati. 5345 Medpace Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

Recent solo show

Fine artist, author, instructor, Veronica Winters is the “Artist of the month” exhibiting her paintings at the Collier County Government Center in May-June 2022. Where: the board of county commissioners chambers, third floor, 3299 Tamiami Trail E, Naples, FL.

Featured on Podcasts:

Veronica shares her thoughts on art and life chatting with Amber from Tri New Frequency Podcast, November, 2022

Ann Kullberg CONNECT webcast

John Dalton gently does it art podcast, episode 216, starts at 27:30 mins.

Sharpened artist podcast:

Selected prizes & international publications


veronica winters-colored pencil society of america awards 2022
Winner of the Award for Distinction in the Colored Pencil Society of America international competition in 2022. Art show is exhibited in Dunedin Fine Art center until August 13 & Ormond Beach Art Museum (September-November 15, 2022), Florida.
30th annual colored pencil society of America exhibition
The TALENT PRIZE AWARD in the “6th PORTRAIT” art competition in the Teravarna ART SHOW INTERNATIONAL GALLERY 2023
The JOHN DALTON ART PRIZE 2022, Honorable Mention,

veronica winters colored pencil
Cosmic joy, colored pencil on uart paper, 9×12 inches, veronica winters, Best of Portraits winner at 2021 Online Colored Pencil Competition by UART
2nd Place Winner, round 2 at TRAC 2019, the Representational Art Conference, Ventura, CA
5th place winner in the 2021 American Art Awards, Category 5 pastel/colored pencil-human figure, juried by America’s 25 Best Galleries & Museums at
Honorable mention, August 2021 | Contemporary Art Museum in Catania, Sicily, Italy

Recent Articles:

Article in USA Art News:

Article in Realism Today:

Article in The World Art News:

Art Market magazine, March issue 2023


CREATE Magazine, issue 40, December 2023, buy on Amazon

Marika magazine cover
Colored Pencil Demonstration, Leisure Painter, 2023
child of love, colored pencil on paper, close up,19x25, veronica winters
Child of love, closeup detail, colored pencil on paper, 19×25 | The image is on the cover of February issue, 2023 of the SplitLip Magazine
Art selected for poster concert series, Lancaster Museum of Art & History, MOAH, California, December 2022
Leisure Painter 2-part demonstration, January, 2023
Artist Magazine, UK, July issue, portrait drawing in colored pencil demonstration, 2022
veronica winters colored pencil demonstration in leisure painter
Leisure Painter, March & April issue, 2022 | colored pencil demonstration by Veronica Winters
trippy art for sale, veronica winters colored pencil
Cover artist, the Colored Pencil Magazine, January 2022
Adolescence, 9×12 inches, lightfast colored pencils on paper, collection of the artist, Juried to the art book Strokes of Genius 8

portrait colored pencil drawing
Out of the blue, 9×12″ lightfast colored pencils on paper, private collection Juried to the art book Strokes of Genius 9

veronica winters artist
Read full interview in MuseTouch Magazine, December 2020, Page 236+
International Artist issue 120, April/May, 2018, Developing Color Sensibilities by Veronica Winter
International Artist issue 120, April/May, 2018, Developing Color Sensibilities by Veronica Winters
The Guide Artists, July 2018

veronica winters colored pencil
“Decide what you want and your growth is unlimited” | Artist profile article in COLOR magazine, January 2019
american art collector issue 149_16 contemporary women artists by veronica winters
American Art Collector Magazine, issue 149, March 2018. 16 contemporary women artists written by Veronica Winters
This painting was featured on the back cover of New Realism magazine as an ad for Dick Blick art supplies.
My artwork is in the Women Artists Datebook 2018! Please support this publisher that fights for social justice!
colored pencil student

Art featured in books

colored pencil manual veronica winters
The Colored Pencil Manual, 2018, author
cp treasures 8 art book-veronica winters
CP treasures 8, art book produced by Ann Kullberg, available on Amazon, Lambent space by Veronica Winters (right)

I’m very proud to write about and support talented contemporary artists. You’ll find articles about famous contemporary artists on my blog, YouTube and Hooked on Art Podcast. One of such articles was published in the American Art Collector in 2018 & 2019.

Check out VisionaryArt for sale

Veronica Winters is Amazon affiliate. You may see product ads on this site. As an Amazon Associate the artist earns from qualifying purchases.