A new leader & his order often destroyed cultural and scientific heritage of any given society. During the repressions of the 1930s in Russia, new government executed top scientists, artists, and writers. In China, Mao’s cultural revolution wiped out the intellect of the country. Many centuries back, the book of songs (that’s attributed to Confucius today) was burned along with other ancient texts and people who opposed new order. What remained was memory and some memorized poems and texts. The medieval ages & religious wars in Europe saw an unprecedented destruction of science & culture reverting the humanity back by hundreds of years, leaving it in a thorough stagnation. It’s common to see state confiscation, scientific and cultural reversal and overall decline instead of the birth of a thriving, new society after such events.
While new replaces the old where creation is impossible without destruction in a natural cycle of life, it seems that psychopathic leaders alter this cycle where they can. They rule with endless propaganda and control. Controlling people’s thoughts, ideas, beliefs, religion, culture seems paramount to leader’s success. Only psychopathic rulers can govern and hold on to this position for a long time. Otherwise, the ruler is assassinated, executed or imprisoned.
We try to pick a president based on our morals, beliefs and ethics, searching for a leader with a “heart.” Unfortunately, we won’t find one because he or she doesn’t exist. Each person takes a specific job in society based on his personality and inner life. Top politicians have qualities other people don’t possess and vice versa. Those people are low on empathy and emotion. Therefore, the decisions they make are easy for them to make.
Obama can’t control TikTok. Hillary couldn’t tank Trump with her lies about Russian collusion. Trump suddenly worries about the morality of abortion overturning the law. Putin uses religion and TV propaganda to justify his choices and outcomes. Democrats have captured the media with their agenda. The Republicans want to die in the Senate when they reach 100 years of age. As a democratic society we end up with top politicians who serve the privileged few who really rule and kill behind the curtain. And we- the people, become entangled in this web of rules, regulations, lies, prosecution, control, disbelief and hurt. Strong voices get jailed. Others accept bribes. We pay taxes to bomb the world. We hope for a better outcome only to lose it after another election cycle.
Just like the problem, the solution is never simple or clear. Every new idea or the structure of a society like communism, democracy, autocracy, and even utopian communes has beautiful thoughts that get corrupted by the human element. So it seems that a renewed system must consider human weaknesses and inability to change to function in a different and sustainable way. Is it possible at all? We can only know this after some social experimentation. But who wants to do just that?
Because progress is exponential, we are able to evolve and advance more rapidly with each decade. Perhaps, new ideas will sparkle and ignite a strong wave in evolution of humanity that’s more encompassing of the past, human element & the seed of life.